Fields of Battle - patch Windows registered version 1.3 to 1.31 Copyright 1996 Bevelstone Production I/S All rights reserved. Read first ---------- Use this patch to upgrade your registered version 1.3 of Fields of Battle to version 1.31. Do NOT use if: - You only have a demo version - You have version 1.31 or newer The patch consist of the following files: ----------------------------------------- Installing the patch: --------------------- IMPORTENT: Windows 3.1/3.11 users read the section Win32s before installing the patch. 1. Extract the patch archives (part 1 and 2) inside the Fields of Battle directory. (This is the directory where the file "keyfile" is.) 2. From the DOS-prompt, change to your Fields of Battle directory and type UPDATE 3. Delete the file UPDATE.BAT by typing DEL UPDATE.BAT from your DOS prompt 4. Now you should be ready to run Fields of Battle v. 1.31 Changes: -------- Fields of Battle, Version 1.31, changes. a) The online help and encyclopedea has improved. Errors has been corrected and some historical documents has been added. b) Bugs fixed: - The units doesn't hit 100% in battle anymore. - UUencoder in the play-by-mail system has been corrected. - Minor bugs fixed. c) Fields of Battle v.1.31 is now a 32 bit application. Win32s: ------- Since Fields of Battle is now a native 32 bit Windows NT/95 application it will not run on a standard Windows 3.1/3.11 system. You will have to install Win32s before running Fields of Battle v.1.31. Win32s is an extension supplied by Microsoft which enables you to run 32 bit applications, as long as they are programmed in a system-friendly way. If you have Windows 95/NT or allready have Win32s you do not need to upgrade your system. If you allready have Win32s and experience problems when running Fields of Battle, it might be a good idea to download the newest version of Win32s and install it instead of your old version. Win32s is freely distributable and you can find download it from Microsoft at the following WWW reference: The file can also be downloaded by ftp from the ftp-site as well as from many other ftp-sites. _______________________________________________________________________________ Bevelstone Production I/S email: Poste restante Banegaardspladsen 1A URL: DK-8000 Aarhus C Denmark